I have used the below code for showing a dialog, but I want to change the default style of the dialog.
Here's my code:
$scope.LocationRejectModal = function (msg) {
var PersonName= msg.from.local;
var confirm = $mdDialog.confirm()
.textContent(PersonName+' has Rejected Location sharing Request.')
$mdDialog.show(confirm).then(function() {
//some code
}, function() {
//some code
How can this be done?
you can't apply custom style to predefined dialogs such as Alert
and Confirm
. If you have to use your custom css rules, you have to implement the Custom dialogs
or a Pre-rendered dialog
. In the first way the dialog content will be rendered only if it has to be, for example when you open the dialog itself. In the second way (using the pre-rendered dialog), the dialog's content will be rendered with the page. It will be hidden by default and you show it only when, for example, a button is pressed.
In both of them you can easly apply custom css rules where you need them.
In the documentation, you can find more information.