In Javascript, is there a way to achieve something similar to this ?
const databaseObjectID = "someId"; // like "product/217637"
switch(databaseObjectID) {
case includes('product'): actionOnProduct(databaseObjectID); break;
case includes('user'): actionOnUser(databaseObjectID); break;
// .. a long list of different object types
This is more a curiosity question to understand the possibilities of switch / case, as in this particular case I have solved my problem using const type = databaseObjectID.split('/')[0];
and apply the switch case on type
You usage would be considered an abuse of case.
Instead just use ifs
if (databaseObjectId.includes('product')) actionOnProduct(databaseObjectID);
else if (databaseObjectId.includes('user')) actionOnUser(databaseObjectID);
// .. a long list of different object types
If the ObjectId contains static content around the product or user, you can remove it and use the user or product as a key:
var actions = {
"user" :actionOnUser