
Virtualization: Can I built a 4-core virtual CPU with many physicals processors?

I use a mechanical simulation software that take 5-10 hours to resolve one simulation. My licence software is limited to 4-core.

Spec of machine that actualy run the software:

I'm trying to find a way to reduce as much as possible the time of simulation.

In virtualization, is it possible to take for exemple, 2x physical 8-core 2.50GHz CPU and make a vCPU of 4-core at 10GHz per core? Each virtual core will take 4 physicals core in this exemple. Is this possible to make it?

Any suggestion?

It is possible to use AWS EC2 Amazon server to make it?

Thank you!


  • Amazon EC2 is available in a variety of Instance Types. Each type has a set number of virtual CPUs, RAM, etc. Each vCPU is a hyperthread of an Intel Xeon core, so you might want to check your licensing to confirm how it defines a 'core'.

    By choosing Instance Type, you can control how many CPUs you get and you will know the type of processor being used. However, you cannot combine CPUs to make a faster CPU.