I have written a simple code to convert a fractional number to 24bit (3 bytes, 6 characters) Hexadecimal number.
Lets say if you enter 0.5, it provides the hexadecimal number as 0x400000.
0.1 = 0xccccd
0.001 = 0x20c5
While the answers are correct, What I'd like to do is preserve the 6 character representation, so i'd like 0.1 to be = 0x0ccccd and
0.001 to be = 0x0020c5.
float frac_no;
std::cout << "Enter a fractional number(0-1) or press 0 to exit:";
std::cin >> frac_no;
const int max_limit_24 = exp2(23); // The maximum value of 0x7FFFFF(1.0)
float inter_hex;
inter_hex = round(max_limit_24*frac_no);
int int_inter_hex = int(inter_hex);
std::cout << std::hex << "0x" << int_inter_hex << "\n" ;
#include <iomanip>
int val = 0x20c5;
std::cout << "0x" << std::setw(6) << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << val << '\n';
If you just need it to have the leading 0s on output. If you do want to store it as a string, you can use an std::stringstream instead of std::cout and get the string from it.