I have a simple loop that takes a name and prints the name without saving it.
looptext getc ;starts text get loop for name
;since name isn't re-used, we don't have to save it
add r1, r0, -10 ;Test for enter character
brz finishloop1 ;if enter, cancel the text loop
OUT ;If it's not enter, print out the character typed
br looptext ;Go back to loop
The program then asks for an ID number separated by spaces. All these values are saved into an array and each loop, it checks if the new input is the 'new' lowest value or 'new' highest value and sets it into the respectable register.
[Deleted code for copyright sake]
At the end of the code, where I need to add a sorting algorithm, I am left with an array of only characters.
I need to go through each index of the array and rearrange the characters in the numerical order (smallest to largest).
Thank you very much all of you for the tips and tricks. Thank you specifically @Ped7g for linking me that sorting algorithms page. I ended up searching around and actually finding someone on gitub that had a bubble algorithm already written out in Assembly code. So thanks for indirectly giving me the answer.
Note: For any future people coming here to find answer, here is the link the bubble sorting algorithm code: https://github.com/oc-cs360/s2014/blob/master/lc3/bubblesort.asm. This is part of the lecture notes for a university course.
; Implementing bubble sort algorithm
; R0 File item
; R1 File item
; R2 Work variable
; R3 File pointer
; R4 Outer loop counter
; R5 Inner loop counter
.ORIG x3000
; Count the number of items to be sorted and store the value in R7
AND R2, R2, #0 ; Initialize R2 <- 0 (counter)
LD R3, FILE ; Put file pointer into R3
COUNT LDR R0, R3, #0 ; Put next file item into R0
BRZ END_COUNT ; Loop until file item is 0
ADD R3, R3, #1 ; Increment file pointer
ADD R2, R2, #1 ; Increment counter
BRNZP COUNT ; Counter loop
END_COUNT ADD R4, R2, #0 ; Store total items in R4 (outer loop count)
BRZ SORTED ; Empty file
; Do the bubble sort
OUTERLOOP ADD R4, R4, #-1 ; loop n - 1 times
BRNZ SORTED ; Looping complete, exit
ADD R5, R4, #0 ; Initialize inner loop counter to outer
LD R3, FILE ; Set file pointer to beginning of file
INNERLOOP LDR R0, R3, #0 ; Get item at file pointer
LDR R1, R3, #1 ; Get next item
NOT R2, R1 ; Negate ...
ADD R2, R2, #1 ; ... next item
ADD R2, R0, R2 ; swap = item - next item
BRNZ SWAPPED ; Don't swap if in order (item <= next item)
STR R1, R3, #0 ; Perform ...
STR R0, R3, #1 ; ... swap
SWAPPED ADD R3, R3, #1 ; Increment file pointer
ADD R5, R5, #-1 ; Decrement inner loop counter
BRP INNERLOOP ; End of inner loop
BRNZP OUTERLOOP ; End of outer loop
FILE .FILL x3500 ; File location