I got the following error when I opened my project in Android Studio:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:prepareComAndroidSupportAnimatedVectorDrawable2531Library'. Unable to unzip 'C:\Users\Dharmawan's\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\animated-vector-drawable\25.3.1\animated-vector-drawable-25.3.1.aar' to 'C:\Users\Dharmawan's.android\build-cache\13e16c0d483386c8c964b3557f261a501ceb749b\output' or find the cached output 'C:\Users\Dharmawan's.android\build-cache\13e16c0d483386c8c964b3557f261a501ceb749b\output' using the build cache at 'C:\Users\Dharmawan's.android\build-cache'
Unfortunately, executing Android Studio as administrator on Linux, you won't update the IDE.
In this case, I used the chmod +777
command, to resolve this problem, but the big problem will be the computer vulnerability.
The command is sudo chmod +777 -R /home/your_user/Android/
or the path where is located the program.