I am working on a marketplace. I have a page with all the products.
I want to create a link on each of this product, to allow user to send message to the seller, creating a new conversation.
I am thinking about creating a link with that:
<%= link_to "Contactar", new_conversation_path %>
But can i put in this link the recipient directly ?
If yes, what should i change in the conversation_controller ?
def new
recipients = Product.where(user: params[:user_id])
def create
receipt = current_user.send_message(recipient, params[:body], params[:subject])
redirect_to conversation_path(receipt.conversation)
But can i put in this link the recipient directly ?
Yes! You can pass the individual recipient id directly in the link like below
<%= link_to "Contactar", new_conversation_path(recipient_id: @your_recipient.id %>
And access the recipient's id with params[:recipient_id]
in the new method.