I want to make following data with jbuilder.
How can I make jbuilder separated?
data: [{
type: "top"
logo: "logo.png"
title: "title"
type: "nav"
background: "bg.png"
content: "<div> Welcome </div>"
type: "footer"
content: "Copyright: xx"
I did it like that, but couldn't running
json.set! :result do
json.array! data do |item|
case item.type
when 'top'
json.partial! '_top', item: item
when 'nav'
json.partial! '_nav', item: item
when 'footer'
json.partial! '_footer', item: item
return nil
json.logo item.logo
json.title item.title
json.background item.background
json.content item.content
json.content item.content
How can I solve the problem?
when you call partials, _
is not needed you just give the path if it is in different folder or name if in same folder.
json.partial! 'top', item: item
json.partial! 'nav', item: item
json.partial! 'footer', item: item