I am a newbie with server handling and Linux. I am trying to install composer on my server so that i can host my Laravel project onto it as mentioned in the tutorial in Ultimate Guide: Deploy Laravel 5.3 App on LEMP Stack. I ssh into the server and after installation of composer when I run sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
I am getting a message in the terminal:
-bash: sudo: command not found
I desperately need some deliberate help
Sudo is probably not installed or not in your path
check to see if you are root
in this case sudo is not needed unless you are trying to impersonate another user. just run your command without sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
See if sudo is your path by running which sudo
or echo $PATH
. If sudo is not in your path, your path variable might be broken. You can try testing this by executing a common location for sudo /usr/bin/sudo
or running locate sudo | grep bin
to attempt to find its location.
If you know that sudo was installed, or your path looks broken, try fixing your path. Check your distribution's env file (/etc/environment in ubuntu) to make sure that it is formatted correctly (script commands are illegal in this file)
If you are not root
and you want to run a command with root prvileges then you must install sudo. But if you don't have sudo and you are not root then you can't install it. In this case I recommend switching to the root user with su
If you do not have the root password and you own the machine, you can reset the root password with a tutorial such as https://askubuntu.com/questions/24006/how-do-i-reset-a-lost-administrative-password
After you manage to login as root install sudo with apt-get update; apt-get install sudo
since you are using Ubuntu.
Verify the the name of your sudoers group with visudo
and modify your sudoers file if you need to. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-edit-the-sudoers-file-on-ubuntu-and-centos
if you have an existing sudoers group or you create one you can add yourself to the group. For example if your sudoers group is called sudo run usermod -aG sudo myuser
. The sudoers group by default in Ubuntu based Linux is sudo. A sudoers group entry looks like this: %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
If you are trying to impersonate another user and cannot install sudo, you can still use su
if it is installed and you have permission / password for the other user.
e.g. su someuser