I'm experimenting with a type-level permission system, and I'm trying to disallow assignment of values which do not originate from the same "source", i.e:
data A = A { a :: Value, b :: Value }
modify :: A -> A
modify (A v) = A $ v { a = v.a } -- should work
modify (A v) = A $ v { a = v.b } -- should *NOT* work
I've experimented with rank N (or impredicative?) types:
type Value = forall a. Value a ...
but both cases above unify. If I constrain a
type Value = forall a. Unique a => Value a ...
both cases don't. Is there a way to achieve something like that? Is it possible in Haskell?
(Note: the Value
constructor would not be public, i.e. there's no way to create a standalone Value
As user2407038 mentionned, you could use phantom types to do what you want.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
data ValueType = A | B
data Value :: ValueType -> * where
Value :: Int → Value t
data V = V { a :: Value A, b :: Value B }
modify ∷ V -> V
modify v = v { a = a v } -- no error
modify v = v { a = b v } -- Couldn't match type ‘'B’ with ‘'A’
However, there is a workaround:
modify ∷ V -> V
modify v = v { a = Value $ getBValue (b v) }
where getBValue (Value x) = x
But you can prevent the user from writing getBValue
if you hide the Value
constructor (by not exporting it). But that would mean that there is absolutely no way to extract the actual value out of a Value
. You could still instantiate Value
for the Functor
, Applicative
and Monad
so that you can work with those wrapped values directly. But you would have to change Value
to a more general form. Here is an example:
data Value :: ValueType -> * -> * where
Value :: a -> Value t a
instance Functor (Value t) where
fmap f (Value x) = Value (f x)
instance Applicative (Value t) where
pure = Value
Value f <*> Value x = Value (f x)
instance Monad (Value t) where
Value x >>= f = f x