I'm learning Camel and created a route as follows:
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_URI, simple(outboundUri()))
The outboundUri()
method returns a URI with a placeholder in the path, ${header.CamelFileName}
. What I'd like to do is resolve this using a header mapper of some sort, where I can look at some headers in order of priority, and if none present, set a default value for CamelFileName
How can I achieve this using the HTTP4
I ended up implementing a Processor as follows:
public class FilenameHeaderMessageProcessor implements org.apache.camel.Processor {
private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd-kkmm");
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
Message in = exchange.getIn();
Map<String, Object> inHeaders = in.getHeaders();
log.debug("In headers: {}.", inHeaders);
Message out = exchange.getOut();
// Without this, out body is null
Object filename = inHeaders.computeIfAbsent(FILE_NAME,
k -> Optional.ofNullable(inHeaders.get(KEY))
out.setHeader(FILE_NAME, filename);
private final String defaultFilename() {
return DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.format(LocalDateTime.now()) + ".out";