My goal is to use Robot to take a list of login credentials and iterate through the list, logging into the page and essentially proving those users can see the page.
From what I've been finding, I need to use a Template, but I haven't found it very clear how do implement one when you have all the values you want to use in the same robot file.
I've been using and
Based on this example they have:
Templated test case
[Template] Example keyword
first argument second argument
They don't explicitly show an example of where the data is set up to run the test.
Here's what I have so far:
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test Access Levels of the new Page
Library Selenium2Library
Test Template Security Login Test
*** Test Cases ***
All Users Login Test
Security Login Test Login Test
User1 Pass1
User2 Pass2
User3 Pass3
*** Keywords ***
Enter User Name
input text working_username_field need_to_put_username_here
Enter Password
input text working_password_field need_corresponding_password_here
Click Login
click element working_login_button
Enter Store Number
input text working_store_field working_store_number
Click Search
click element working_search_button
Login Test
open browser working_url Chrome
enter user name
enter password
click login
enter store number
click search
go to working_sub_url
What I don't know is how I then put those parameters into my Keywords so it will go through each on.
I know I could use a file for this, but that seems slightly more complicated, so I want to figure this way out first.
Thanks for any help you can offer!
When you use a suite-level template, each testcase is typically a single row. The first column is the test case name, and additional columns are arguments to the template keyword.
For example:
*** Settings ***
Test Template Security Login Test
*** Test Cases ***
# test case name # username # password
Normal user test123
Admin user abc123
Banned user knockknock
*** Keywords ***
Security Login Test
[Arguments] ${username} ${password}
Enter username ${username}
Enter Password ${password}
The rest of your code here...
Enter username
[Arguments] ${username}
log entering username '${username}
Enter password
[Arguments] ${password}
log entering password '${password}'
The rest of your code here...
log another keyword