I am trying to define the Ackermann-Peters function in Coq, and I'm getting an error message that I don't understand. As you can see, I'm packaging the arguments a, b
of Ackermann in a pair ab
; I provide an ordering defining an ordering function for the arguments. Then I use the Function
form to define Ackermann itself, providing it with the ordering function for the ab
Require Import Recdef.
Definition ack_ordering (ab1 ab2 : nat * nat) :=
match (ab1, ab2) with
|((a1, b1), (a2, b2)) =>
(a1 > a2) \/ ((a1 = a2) /\ (b1 > b2))
Function ack (ab : nat * nat) {wf ack_ordering} : nat :=
match ab with
| (0, b) => b + 1
| (a, 0) => ack (a-1, 1)
| (a, b) => ack (a-1, ack (a, b-1))
What I get is the following error message:
Error: No such section variable or assumption:
I'm not sure what bothers Coq, but searching the internet, I found a suggestion there may be a problem with using a recursive function defined with an ordering or a measure, where the recursive call occurs within a match. However, using the projections fst
and snd
and an if-then-else
generated a different error message. Can someone please suggest how to define Ackermann in Coq?
It seems like Function
can't solve this problem. However, its cousin Program Fixpoint
Let's define some lemmas treating well-foundedness first:
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Definition lexicographic_ordering (ab1 ab2 : nat * nat) : Prop :=
match ab1, ab2 with
| (a1, b1), (a2, b2) =>
(a1 < a2) \/ ((a1 = a2) /\ (b1 < b2))
(* this is defined in stdlib, but unfortunately it is opaque *)
Lemma lt_wf_ind :
forall n (P:nat -> Prop), (forall n, (forall m, m < n -> P m) -> P n) -> P n.
Proof. intro p; intros; elim (lt_wf p); auto with arith. Defined.
(* this is defined in stdlib, but unfortunately it is opaque too *)
Lemma lt_wf_double_ind :
forall P:nat -> nat -> Prop,
(forall n m,
(forall p (q:nat), p < n -> P p q) ->
(forall p, p < m -> P n p) -> P n m) -> forall n m, P n m.
intros P Hrec p. pattern p. apply lt_wf_ind.
intros n H q. pattern q. apply lt_wf_ind. auto.
Lemma lexicographic_ordering_wf : well_founded lexicographic_ordering.
intros (a, b); pattern a, b; apply lt_wf_double_ind.
intros m n H1 H2.
constructor; intros (m', n') [G | [-> G]].
- now apply H1.
- now apply H2.
Now we can define the Ackermann-Péter function:
Program Fixpoint ack (ab : nat * nat) {wf lexicographic_ordering ab} : nat :=
match ab with
| (0, b) => b + 1
| (S a, 0) => ack (a, 1)
| (S a, S b) => ack (a, ack (S a, b))
Next Obligation.
inversion Heq_ab; subst. left; auto. Defined.
Next Obligation.
apply lexicographic_ordering_wf. Defined.
Some simple tests demonstrating that we can compute with ack
Example test1 : ack (1, 2) = 4 := eq_refl.
Example test2 : ack (3, 4) = 125 := eq_refl. (* this may take several seconds *)
Using the Equations plugin by M. Sozeau and C. Mangin it is possible to define the function this way:
From Equations Require Import Equations Subterm.
Equations ack (p : nat * nat) : nat :=
ack p by rec p (lexprod _ _ lt lt) :=
ack (pair 0 n) := n + 1;
ack (pair (S m) 0) := ack (m, 1);
ack (pair (S m) (S n)) := ack (m, ack (S m, n)).
Unfortunately, it's not possible to use the ( , )
notation for pairs due to issue #81. The code is taken from Equation's test suite: ack.v.