I've used sed to replace variables on *.go files using sed -i 's/\<old_name\>/newName/g' *.go
My objective is to eliminate golinter errors.
How can strings with common patterns, e.g. replace 1 with 2
fmt.Printf("blah blah blah")
or fmt.Printf("yadda yadda yadda")
fmt.Println("blah blah blah")
or fmt.Println("yadda yadda yadda")
In this case, we do NOT want to replace:
1. fmt.Printf("print speed= %d",speed)
//So the key here is the ending pattern should be ")
2. log.Printf statements //only replace "fmt."
Any pointers on this?
I'm slightly confused by your question, but think you're trying to do the following:
replace printf("yada yada yada") with println("yada yada yada")
not replace printf("print speed = %d", speed)
If that is the case, I would do something like the following:
sed -i '/Printf(\".*\")/ s/Printf/Println/g' *.go
That should leave cases intact where you actually want to use formatting. Here is an example:
[sborza@msandn]:~$ cat tester.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
speed = 1
fmt.Printf("speed = %d\n", speed)
[sborza@msandn]:~$ sed '/Printf(\".*\")/ s/Printf/Println/g' tester.go
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
speed = 1
fmt.Printf("speed = %d\n", speed)