How to write expect script which executes command and prints just the command's output?
I've tried various things but none works, e.g.
log_user 0
spawn bash
send "echo 1\r"
log_user 1
expect "1"
log_user 0
send "exit\r"
expect eof
Gives in output:
echo 1
While I need just "1" . I hope somebody knows simple solution how to fix my example
Capturing the output from sent commands is a bit of a pain in expect.
Here's a more general case that does not rely on the log_user setting, it captures the output with a regular expression:
log_user 0
spawn bash
# set the prompt to a known value
send "PS1='>'\r"
expect -re {>$}
# send a command: we don't know what the output is going to be
send "echo \$RANDOM\r"
# capture the portion of the output that occurs just before the prompt
expect -re "\r\n(.*?)\r\n>$"
puts "output is: $expect_out(1,string)"
send "exit\r"
expect eof
A thought just occurred to me: if the command does not require any interaction, then expect is overkill: just use exec
set output [exec bash -c {echo $RANDOM}]