I'm running a script for each item of a list,
each time it's adding a line to the top of a text file, but I actually need to change that order, so it write behind the last one (at the bottom)
here is my current script
et dataBackupFile to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Repport Data.txt" insertOnTop from informationOnThisAccount into dataBackupFile
on insertOnTop from theData into theFile
set fileDescriptor to open for access file theFile with write permission
if (get eof fileDescriptor) > 0 then
set theContent to read fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
set theContent to ""
end if
set eof fileDescriptor to 0
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
close access fileDescriptor
return true
on error
close access file theFile
end try
return false
end try
end insertOnTop
set eof fileDescriptor to 0
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8»
write (theData & theContent) to fileDescriptor as «class utf8» starting at eof