
Cannot bind parameter to argument 'command' because it is null. Powershell

I had a function similar to below code. It receives command and the command arguments. I had to run this command in background and collect the output. But that last statement is bugging me with this error


Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Command' because it is null.
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Invoke-Expression], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeExpre
+ PSComputerName        : localhost


$cmd = 'Get-content'
$Arg = 'path to file'
$sb = "$cmd $Arg -ErrorVariable e -ErrorAction Stop"
invoke-Expression $sb #This printsoutput
$job = Start-job -ScriptBlock {Invoke-Expression $sb}
wait-job -id $job.Id
$job | Receive-job #this should print output but throwing error

I am pretty sure last line is the one throwing the error.


  • The issue here is that you are not actually giving Invoke-Expression a command.

    Whenever you create a new context ( in this case, a job ) you loose your access to the parent session's environment. In your case $sb is currently null.

    The way that you manage this is to pass the values as arguments via the -ArgumentList parameter of Start-Job:

    start-job -ScriptBlock {} -ArgumentList

    In order to facilitate handing $sb to the ScriptBlock you would do this:

    $sb = "$cmd $Arg -ErrorVariable e -ErrorAction Stop"
    $job = start-job -ScriptBlock { Param([string]$sb)
        Invoke-Expression $sb
    } -ArgumentList $sb

    This can be confusing so this is the same code written with more friendly names:

    $OuterSB = "$cmd $Arg -ErrorVariable e -ErrorAction Stop"
    $job = start-job -ScriptBlock { Param([string]$InnerSB)
        Invoke-Expression $InnerSB
    } -ArgumentList $OuterSB