
Install npm packages in Titanium

According to the docs, Titanium now has support to install npm packages: http://docs.appcelerator.com/platform/latest/#!/guide/Node.js_Support

However, upon reading it, I am very confused as to where to actually put my node_modules directory. There is some mention in the docs about a Resources directory, however, for Alloy this is supposed to be left empty, as it is frequently overwritten by the compiler.

So my question is, where do I put my node_modules and how do I reference it.


  • From experimentation, it seems like you can do npm install in the app/lib/ so your package are in app/lib/node_modules. This does NOT work on the app/ directory.

    Note that if you use tishadow, you will also need to install the npm packages there as well in the Resources/ directory (as they still do not use the Alloy framework).