I'm trying to use allocatable arrays inside "device" data structures that reside in GPU memory. Code (pasted below) compiles, but gives a segfault. Am I doing something obviously wrong?
Module file is called 'gpu_modules.F90', given below:
! This module contains definitions for data structures and the data
! stored on the device
module GPU_variables
use cudafor
type :: data_str_def
! single number quantities
integer :: i, j
real(kind=8) :: a
! Arrays
real(kind=8), allocatable :: b(:)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: c(:,:)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: d(:,:,:)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: e(:,:,:,:)
end type data_str_def
! Actual data is here
type(data_str_def), device, allocatable :: data_str(:)
! subroutine to allocate memory
subroutine allocate_mem(n1)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n1
call deallocate_mem()
write(*,*) 'works here'
write(*,*) 'what about allocating memory?'
allocate(data_str(n1) % b(10))
write(*,*) 'success!'
end subroutine allocate_mem
! subroutine to deallocate memory
subroutine deallocate_mem()
implicit none
if(allocated(data_str)) deallocate(data_str)
end subroutine deallocate_mem
end module GPU_variables
Main program is 'gpu_test.F90', given below:
! main program
program gpu_test
use gpu_variables
implicit none
! local variables
integer :: i, j, n
! allocate data
n = 2 ! number of data structures
call allocate_mem(n)
! dallocate device data structures and exit
call deallocate_mem()
end program
Compilation command (from current folder) is:
pgfortran -Mcuda=cc5x *.F90
Terminal output:
$ ./a.out
works here
what about allocating memory?
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Any help/insight and solution would be appreciated.. and no, use of pointers is not a viable option.
Edit: another detail that may be relevant: I'm using pgfortran version 16.10
So I posted this question on the PGI forums, and a guy from PGI confirms that the feature is not supported as I'm trying to use it.
His recommendation was to use the "managed" attribute or use fixed-sized arrays inside the data structure.