
Why is my permutation algorithm giving me the same result for all permutations?

I'm stuck with some heap's permutation algorithm. I wrote some JavaScript code to recursively find every possible permutation of a value: either an array or a string. My code seems to work perfectly when I console.log() the permuted values but when I push them to another array I get the same value for all of them. I'm confused.

My code contains two separate functions: one does the swapping of the elements and the other one recursively finds the possible permutation:

arr = ["a", "b", "c"];
newArr = [];

// swap mechanism here
function swap(arr, pos1, pos2) {
    var temp = arr[pos1];
    arr[pos1] = arr[pos2];
    arr[pos2] = temp;

function perm(arr, nArr, n) {
    n = n || arr.length; 
    if (n === 1) {
        console.log(arr); // console.log() works great
        newArr.push(arr); // pushing the permuted values does not
    else {
        for(var i = 1; i <= n; i += 1) {
            perm(arr, nArr, n - 1);
            if (n % 2) {
                var j = 1;
            else {
                var j = i;
            swap(arr, j - 1, n - 1);


  • This is simple (heap) reference vs. (stack) value question. The reason is quite simple: arr in all recursive calls references the same array in memory. Thus when you call newArr.push(arr) another reference to the same object is added to the result list. And when you do swap, you swap elements for all elements of newArr as they point to the same array. See also Copying array by value in JavaScript for a possible workaround. (Basically use Array.slice method to create an independent copy).