I have a daily netcdf file (20060101) and the time dimension has 144 steps, so 10 minutes time steps within the file. Now I want to create one netcdf file for each 10 min time step with nco. So at the end it should create 144 files.
I already found similar questions where they use
ncks -d time,min,max,stride infile.nc outfile.nc
But I don't know how to write a code creating these 144 files. Can someone help me with this? Thanks for your help!
Found Solution:
start=1131580800 # first time step in seconds
for f in *_test.nc; do #$files
echo 'Processing' $f
for i in {0..17}; do
time=$(expr $start + 600 \* $i) # calculates the next time step --> 600s correspond to 10 minute steps I wanted to have
time_new=$(date -d @$time '+_%H%M') # extracting the time variable from my file and convert it to use them in the file names
outfile=$(echo $f|sed "s/_level2/$time_new/g")
ncks -d time,$i,$i $f $outfile # split my original file to 10 min steps