I've a array of objects which create their view via dom-repeat. In this view I have a button which increases a property of a array element. But the view is not refreshed after this. Is their a way to notify polymer2 to update:
Here is a Bit of Code:
<template id="filterElementList" is="dom-repeat" items="{{filterElements}}">
<div style="display: flex;">
<filter-panel-element style$="margin-left: {{_computeLevel(item.level)}}px;"></filter-panel-element>
<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-left" aria-hidden="true" on-click="_decreaseLevel"></i>
<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right" aria-hidden="true" on-click="_increaseLevel"></i>
_increaseLevel: function (e) {
I update the level Property of the element, but the view is not updated.
So, Considering your template is bound to filterElements
and you are trying to increment a sub property of an item
within your array
you might have to specify the data.path
while updating a property and/or a sub property of an array, of your element.
so try this:
Polymer has this documented in their data system documentation, and it helps Polymer propagate event notifications and also observe the data mutations.
If you can create a plunk, with your array and your elements, it'd be easier to troubleshoot further.
That is in case, the above changes to your code, don't achieve the desired result