I can record a video with the webcam, play the resulting blob on the browser and download it on the local machine, but when i save the file to the server it is unreadable. I have tried sending the chunks to the server and concatenate them there, and also sending the whole blob, but the result is the same (unreadable video). I first read the blobs with a FileReader(), which gives a base64 result, then send it to the server, where i base64_decode() it and save it to a folder.
JS code:
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
upload(reader.result, function(response){
// upload next chunk
on the server:
$json = json_decode( $request->getContent(), true );
$chunk = base64_decode( $json["chunk"] );
// all chunks get
file_put_contents("/uploadDirecotry/chunk".$json['index'].".webm", $json["chunk"]);
When all chunks are uploaded:
for ($i = 0; $i < $nrOfChunks; $i++) {
$file = fopen("/uploadDirectory/chunk".$i.".webm", 'rb');
$buff = fread($file, 1024000);
$final = fopen("/processed/".$video->getFileName()."-full.webm", 'ab');
$write = fwrite($final, $buff);
I don't know what i am doing wrong. I've been trying for more than a week to make it work, but it won't. Please help!
you have to save decoded chunk
instead of this
file_put_contents("/uploadDirecotry/chunk".$json['index'].".webm", $json["chunk"]);
use this
file_put_contents("/uploadDirecotry/chunk".$json['index'].".webm", $chunk);
Also i suggest, please open final file before your "for loop" in write mode and close it after loop, instead of reopen every time in "for loop".