I got some problems with selectbox
In my original code, I receive an object through $http
calling, and that is like below.
{key:'user_id', value:'ID'},
{key:'user_name', value:'Name'},
{key:'user_gender', value:'Gender'},
{key:'user_phone', value:'Phone'},
{key:'user_email', value:'Email'},
{key:'user_birth', value:'Birthday'},
When I tried to put values of this object into option
, it made 'blank option' automatically.
To solve this, I saw two posts
Angular JS Remove Blank option from Select Option
Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?
but any solutions of these could not help me.
How can I fix this?
Here's my fiddle.
Select box create blank option
I'll wait some handsome or pretty developers who will solve my problem. :)
Try This
HTML Code -
<select ng-options="opt as opt.value for opt in searchOpt.option" ng-model="searchOpt.selected">
The ngOptions attribute can be used to dynamically generate a list of elements for the element using the array or object obtained by evaluating the ngOptions comprehension expression
Working Jsfiddle