I have two components in AngularJS. One component usersList
contains a table
<tr ng-repeat="..."><!--Contains code to repeat the entries in usersList localstorage object--></tr>
On page load, this component fetches a list of users with their details from an API and stores it in $localStorage.
Other is a form editUserProfile
where the values are edited and deleted
app.component("editUserProfile", {
controller: function($localStorage, ...) {
vm.$storage = $localStorage;
// Do other things
// Some event (edit) is successful, update the userslist in $localStorage
vm.$storage.usersList = response
So basically, I am editing user details and deleting users by making calls to the API, and when a successful edit/delete happens, I refresh the $localStorage value of usersList which is a JSON object.
Things totally works till the updating of the data, however the changes are not reflected in the usersList component. I am doing this to save calls to the API for just displaying the data. Any other ideas are welcome.
See this Plunkr working.
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngStorage']);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope, $localStorage){
$scope.$storage = $localStorage;
$scope.$storage.entity = [];
$scope.add = function(){
$scope.$storage.entity.push('New entry');
It seems that $localStorage
should be passed in $scope
Pass $localStorage (or $sessionStorage) by reference to a hook under $scope in plain ol' JavaScript.
Your issue may come with vm.$storage