Although the following command works when typing in in shell
echo -ne "myser\nmypass\n" | smbpasswd -a -s myuser
The following task fails in ansible
- name: add dms samba user
command: echo -ne "myuser\nmypass\n" | smbpasswd -a -s myuser
notify: restart samba
It does not produce any errors, but the user is not created.
Working with ansible
on Ubuntu 16.0.4.
As stated, pipes won't work with the command module. I've used something like this in the past to create Samba users:
- name: Configure Samba users.
shell: >
(pdbedit --user={{ item.username }} 2>&1 > /dev/null)
|| (echo '{{ item.password }}'; echo '{{ item.password }}')
| smbpasswd -s -a {{ item.username }}
register: smbpasswd
changed_when: "'Added user' in smbpasswd.stdout"
with_items: "{{ samba_users }}"
label: "{{ item.username }}"
The task will only run if the user does not exist yet. So changing passwords won't work with this example.