What's the best way of getting just the difference from two multiline strings?
a = 'testing this is working \n testing this is working 1 \n'
b = 'testing this is working \n testing this is working 1 \n testing this is working 2'
diff = difflib.ndiff(a,b)
print ''.join(diff)
This produces:
t e s t i n g t h i s i s w o r k i n g
t e s t i n g t h i s i s w o r k i n g 1
+ + t+ e+ s+ t+ i+ n+ g+ + t+ h+ i+ s+ + i+ s+ + w+ o+ r+ k+ i+ n+ g+ + 2
What's the best way of getting exactly:
testing this is working 2
Would regex be the solution here?
a = 'testing this is working \n testing this is working 1 \n'
b = 'testing this is working \n testing this is working 1 \n testing this is working 2'
splitA = set(a.split("\n"))
splitB = set(b.split("\n"))
diff = splitB.difference(splitA)
diff = ", ".join(diff) # ' testing this is working 2, more things if there were...'
Essentially making each string a set of lines, and taking the set difference - i.e. All things in B that are not in A. Then taking that result and joining it all into one string.
Edit: This is a convoluted way of saying what @ShreyasG said - [x for x if x not in y]