I am working on Dojo Version 1.8.I have designed one custom widget as below. Its a snippet
id ="NZ1",
data-dojo-attch-point = "NZ1"
data-dojo-attch-type = "ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox"
data-dojo-attch-event = "onBlur : makeAllSmall"
id ="NZ2",
data-dojo-attch-point = "NZ2"
data-dojo-attch-type = "ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox"
data-dojo-attch-event = "onBlur: makeAllSmall"
Here is event handler
makeAllSmall : function(evt){
var currVal=evt.target.value;
currVal = currVal.toLowerCase();
/**Some Other business logic on currVal **/
This evt is always coming as undefined . I am quite new to Dojo. Am I missing something in HTML side ? I tried to change HTML as below but not luck
id ="NZ2",
data-dojo-attch-point = "NZ2"
data-dojo-attch-type = "ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox"
data-dojo-attch-event = "onBlur : makeAllSmall"
First thing first, is there a typo in the method "onBlurr"? I see there is an extra 'r'. Shouldn't it be "onBlur"?
If you look at the DOJO API documentation for onBlur event, it doesn't pass an event object like what you are expecting
Defined by: dijit/_FocusMixin
Called when the widget stops being "active" because focus moved to something outside of it, or the user clicked somewhere outside of it, or the widget was hidden.
Example 1
var btn = new Button();
// when /my/topic is published, this button changes its label to
// be the parameter of the topic.
btn.subscribe("/my/topic", function(v){
this.set("label", v);
Next, in your event handler, you are trying to change the text to lowerCase and this can be done like
makeAllSmall : function(){
var currVal=this.get("value");
currVal = currVal.toLowerCase();
/**Some Other business logic on currVal **/
Another way of doing this without the event handler is to force the ValidationTextBox
to convert everything to lowercase using construction parameters like
id ="NZ2",
data-dojo-attach-point = "NZ2"
data-dojo-attach-type = "ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox"
data-dojo-attach-event = "onBlurr : makeAllSmall"
Note that I have added data-dojo-props='lowercase:true'
Hope this helps.