
Folder creation in Control-M through PowerShell/Windows creates a file instead of a folder

I am using PowerShell and BMC Control-M for automation, I have created a PowerShell script to create a folder:

$directoryname= "D:\sysdba" 
$DoesFolderExist = Test-Path $directoryname 
$null = if (!$DoesFolderExist){MKDIR "$directoryname"}

$directoryname= "D:\temp" 
$DoesFolderExist = Test-Path $directoryname 
$null = if (!$DoesFolderExist){MKDIR "$directoryname"}

I am using below command to create folder on host server:


But it is creating a file instead of folder:

enter image description here

Any idea why? I am confused as why not creating folder and why file


  • Using mkdir from Powershell is not encouraged since mkdir is an external utility and not an internal Powershell command. Instead, use New-Item -ItemType directory to achieve what you want:

    $directoryname= "D:\sysdba" 
    if(!(Test-Path -Path $directoryname )){
        New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $directoryname
        Write-Host "created a new folder"
      Write-Host "The folder is already exists"

    And you can do the same for "D:\temp".