
Either|Or part of regex for matching two possibilities

We have two ways of referring to the same system:

Right now I have one regular expression per variation, e.g

  1. /(?:^|^\s|[^\/a-zA-Z0-9])tr([0-9]+).*$/img
  2. /(?:^|^\s|[^\/a-zA-Z0-9])fr([0-9]+).*$/img

This works fine, but I thought it could be more efficient by combining the two. I saw from other articles that you can use the alternation | to match variations. Do I need to repeat the regex after the "tr" if I'm trying to match both? E.g is something like this possible?


Example input1:


Desired output1:


Example input2:


Desired output2:


I've been playing with it here:


  • You're trying to do it in a wrong way. '|' is actually OR, and have low priority, so your regex is OR fr..., but you need ...(tr|fr)...

    So you should use () (like in math expressions). And regex will be


    Note that () also produces match groups.

    But in your case next expression will be better:


    Here [tf] means "one of [t,r]"