Today my friend raised a challenge that I still can't solve: "Generate a random digit sequence in PHP"
The digits are arranged as dial-pad/pattern-lock that consist 1-9 keys in 3 rows and 3 columns:
| |
| 1 2 3 |
| |
| 4 5 6 |
| |
| 7 8 9 |
| |
Now, given a length, we have to generate a random, non-repeating sequence of digits of the provided length, using these criteria:
A generated sequence should follow a specific direction/pattern going only via neighboring digits (possibly diagonally), for example (length:8), 12569874:
1 🡪 2
4 5 🡪 6
🡩 🡫
7 🡨 8 🡨 9
Digits from the first row should never be followed by a digit from the third row, and vice-versa. The same goes for columns. For example a 1 cannot be followed by a 8, and a 6 cannot be followed by a 4.
can guess more criteria can easily from android pattern-lock system
Here are some example generated sequences for length 9: 12369874/5, 142536987, etc, and for length = 6: 987532, etc
I tried to do this with rand()
$chars = "123456789";
$length = 9;
$clen = strlen( $chars )-1;
$id = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$id .= $chars[mt_rand(0,$clen)];
return ($id);
but, still no luck...
How can I solve this question?
has some limitations but that's for you to work out. I only deal with headaches when I get paid :).
// Keypad
$grid = [
['1', '2', '3'],
['4', '5', '6'],
['7', '8', '9'],
// Sequence Target Length
$target_length = 5;
// Place to store the Keypad sequence
$points = [];
// Starting Point
$x = rand(0, 2);
$y = rand(0, 2);
// Run through the process until we have the sequence at the desired length
while (count($points) < $target_length):
// Check if the grid keypad entry has been used
if ($grid[$x][$y]):
// Hasn't been used, so stire it
$points[] = $grid[$x][$y];
// Mark it used
$grid[$x][$y] = NULL;
// Sanity Check, imagine if you will,.... target length of 9, and you hit 6 5 2 1, You'll vault off into the twilight zone without this
if ((!$grid[$x + 1][$y]) && (!$grid[$x][$y + 1]) && (!$grid[$x - 1][$y]) && (!$grid[$x][$y - 1])):
// We have no where to go
// Start looking for possible values
do {
$test_x = $x;
$test_y = $y;
$dir = rand(0, 3);
switch ($dir):
case (0):
$test_y--; // Up
case (1):
$test_x++; // Right
case (2):
$test_y++; // Down
case (3):
$test_x--; // Left
// Optional Gibberish
echo "Moving from {$x}, {$y} to {$test_x}, {$test_y} --> " . (($grid[$test_x][$test_y] === NULL) ? 'FAILED' : 'OK!') . '<br>';
// Keep going until we find a valid direction
} while ($grid[$test_x][$test_y] === NULL);
// assign the new coords
$x = $test_x;
$y = $test_y;
// repeat
// report
echo implode('-', $points) . "\n";