
fabric8 docker-maven-plugin: include additional tags on build

I have the fabric8 docker-maven-plugin configured in my pom.xml as follows:


I'm using the %l placeholder which tags the image with the latest label if the version contains -SNAPSHOT, otherwise it uses the pom version. When building from CI, I'd like to include some additional tags (possibly more then one) to my image (e.g. build number / branch name) but I'd like to keep %l placeholder behavior. I think that it should be possible using maven properties from command line, but I couldn't figure it out from the plugin docs (

How can I include additional tags when executing the docker:build goal?


  • You can use the <tags> tag:

      <!-- set default -->

    this will tag your image with both the %l behavior and the custom set ${docker.image-tag}.

    mvn docker:build -Ddocker.image-tag=mytag