Using Intraweb in Delphi,
Is there a way to find AsyncKeyDown pressed key value?
I know its somehow inside EventParams: TStringList but I only can see it through the Local variable list at runtime like this, string = 'char=i', and I cannot really get it out from there as a char unless I make a special function to pull it from there, so I'm thinking if there is a simple way to just get the pressed key as char from AsyncKeyDown ?
I know it's been a long time since the question was asked. But it will be good for those who still need it. I used it and working. You can get it as char as following:
procedure TfrmLHasta.edSuzAsyncKeyDown(Sender: TObject;
EventParams: TStringList);
lKey: char;
lKey := Chr(StrToInt(EventParams.Values['which']));
// WebApplication.ShowMessage(lKey);
if lKey = #13 then DoSomething;