I am using dockerfile-maven-plugin with the following configuration:
Project deployment fails due to:
[INFO] The push refers to a repository [my-repository:9090/root/image-name]
[ERROR] An image does not exist locally with the tag: my-repository:9090/root/image-name
[WARNING] An attempt failed, will retry 1 more times
org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Could not push image
Prefixing the repository under the build goal (in similar way to push goal) solves the issue. But then the locally created image prefixed with the repository tag.
Didn't find any documentation reference on how to perform the tag before push task.
In other words, I want that my local docker images will contain 2 images after plugin execution:
root/image-name latest 7ac1144c607e 21 minutes ago 175MB
my-repository:9090/root/image-name latest 7ac1144c607e 21 minutes ago 175MB
My docker version is: 17.06.0-ce
Adding additional execution step to my configuration solved the issue: