If an assertion fails, I get the following output:
raised SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE : Dynamic_Predicate failed at file.adb:36
Can I get any more details? For example what the input was, or maybe a stack trace, or anything else that might help me in determining why the assertion failed?
You may catch System.Assertions.Assert_Failure to print stack trace using GNAT.Traceback (if you use GNAT) package or print values.
Something like here
pragma Assertion_Policy(CHECK);
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Traceback;
with System.Assertions;
with GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic;
procedure Main is
procedure Call_Stack is
Trace : GNAT.Traceback.Tracebacks_Array (1..1_000);
Length : Natural;
GNAT.Traceback.Call_Chain (Trace, Length);
Put_Line (GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic.Symbolic_Traceback (Trace (1..Length)));
end Call_Stack;
type Day is new String (1 .. 10);
type Message is record
Sent : Day;
Received : Day;
end record with
Dynamic_Predicate => Message.Sent <= Message.Received;
M : Message;
M := (Received => "1776-07-04", Sent => "1783-09-03");
when System.Assertions.Assert_Failure =>
end Main;