
Qt Qml connect to a signal of a QObject property of a Context Property

So this may seem like a strange setup. I have a C++ object that inherits from QObject called "MasterGuiLogic" for simplicity. It is created with a pointer to another object called "MainEventBroker" which as you might guess handles all of my applications events. The MasterGuiLogic object is registered with qml as a context property so that it's properties can be used anywhere in my qml. So main.cpp looks like this:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    MasterEventBroker *MainEventBroker = new MasterEventBroker();
    MasterGuiLogic *MainGuiLogic = new MasterGuiLogic(*MainEventBroker);

    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<MasterGuiLogic>("GrblCom", 1, 0, "MasterGuiLogic", "");
    qmlRegisterUncreatableType<GuiLogic_SerialCom>("GrblCom", 1, 0, "GuiLogic_SerialCom", "");

    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
    QQmlContext* context = engine.rootContext();

    context->setContextProperty("MasterGuiLogic", &(*MainGuiLogic));

    if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
        return -1;

    return app.exec();

MasterGuiLogic creates an instance of another class called SerialCom, which is set as a Q_PROPERTY so that it's properties and public slots can be reached in qml through the MasterGuiLogic property.


class MasterGuiLogic : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(GuiLogic_SerialCom* serialCom READ serialCom CONSTANT)
    MasterEventBroker *eventBroker;

    explicit MasterGuiLogic(MasterEventBroker &ev, QObject *parent = nullptr);

    GuiLogic_SerialCom* serialCom() const {
        return Gui_SerialCom;


    GuiLogic_SerialCom *Gui_SerialCom;


MasterGuiLogic::MasterGuiLogic(MasterEventBroker &ev, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    this->eventBroker = &ev;
    this->Gui_SerialCom = new GuiLogic_SerialCom(this);


//Forward Declare our parent
class MasterGuiLogic;

class GuiLogic_SerialCom : public QObject
    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList portNames READ portNames NOTIFY portNamesChanged)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool connectedToPort READ connectedToPort NOTIFY connectedToPortChanged)

    MasterGuiLogic *parent;
    explicit GuiLogic_SerialCom(MasterGuiLogic *parent = nullptr);

    std::map<QString, QSerialPortInfo> portsMap;

    QStringList portNames() {
        return _portNames;

    bool connectedToPort() {
        return _connectedToPort;


    QStringList _portNames;
    bool _connectedToPort = false;


    void portNamesChanged(const QStringList &);
    void connectedToPortChanged(const bool &);

public slots:

    void connectToPort(const QString portName);
    void disconnectFromPort(const QString portName);



GuiLogic_SerialCom::GuiLogic_SerialCom(MasterGuiLogic *parent) : QObject(qobject_cast<QObject *>(parent))
    this->parent = parent;

    QList<QSerialPortInfo> allPorts = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();

    for (int i = 0; i < allPorts.size(); ++i) {
        this->portsMap[allPorts.at(i).portName()] = allPorts.at(i);

    emit portNamesChanged(_portNames);


void GuiLogic_SerialCom::connectToPort(const QString portName) {
    //TODO: Connect To Port Logic Here;

    //Set Connected
    this->_connectedToPort = true;
    emit connectedToPortChanged(this->_connectedToPort);

    qDebug() << portName;

void GuiLogic_SerialCom::disconnectFromPort(const QString portName) {
    //TODO: DisConnect To Port Logic Here;

    //Set DisConnected
    this->_connectedToPort = false;
    emit connectedToPortChanged(this->_connectedToPort);

    qDebug() << portName;

So from qml it's pretty easy to read any of these properties and even send signals from qml to c++

For example, this works just fine:

connectCom.onClicked: {
        if (MasterGuiLogic.serialCom.connectedToPort === false) {
        } else {

The problem is, I can't seem to find a way to connect to signals that are emitted from SerialCom. I thought I would be able to do something like this:

Connections: {
        target: MasterGuiLogic.serialCom;
        onConnectedToPortChanged: {
            if (MasterGuiLogic.serialCom.connectedToPort === false) {
                connectCom.text = "Disconnect";
                comPort.enabled = false;
            } else {
                connectCom.text = "Connect";
                comPort.enabled = true;

This should listen to the boolean property on SerialCom to change, but I get the following error:

QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/QmlGui/main.qml:21 Type Page1 unavailable
qrc:/QmlGui/Page1.qml:49 Invalid attached object assignment

This just means that I can't "connect" using the target line above. Is there any other way I can connect to signals from a Q_PROPERTY of type QObject inside a ContextProperty?


  • Ok, I found the problem... The provided answers, while indeed helpful for other reasons, were not the correct solution. After going over the code by @Xplatforms, I couldn't figure out what the difference was between what I was doing and what he did.... until I saw this in my own code:

    Connections: {
            target: MasterGuiLogic.serialCom;
            onConnectedToPortChanged: {

    There isn't supposed to be a colon(:) there...

    Connections {
            target: MasterGuiLogic.serialCom;
            onConnectedToPortChanged: {

    Never try programming while sleepy...lol