I have an sequel model. I am trying to do validation. I have validation
validates_unique :category
which checks if the same name of category is not taken. It is okay, but I added subcategories (tree). So every record has parent_id if it is subcategory.
I would like to check for duplicates on the same level. I mean that you cannot have duplicate name in top level or in same category, but you can have
gallery > buildings
I was trying to use the examples from documentation, like this
validates_unique(:category, [:category, :parent_id])
to check for combination same parent_id (is number or null) and name. But this makes syntax error
syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')'
alidates_unique (:category, [:parent_id, :category])
I tried different combination with parenthesis or without, but with no succes.
validates_unique([:category, :parent_id])
Do you have any clue please?
In method call cannot be a space between method and parameters. Like this
validates_unique (:category, [:category, :parent_id])
It has to be without space
validates_unique(:category, [:category, :parent_id])
I did not see it, in the repetitive readings. Due to tunnel vision and focusing on different parts. I also enlarge my font in my computer. (I have medical issue, loosing sight on right eye).