I am trying to write tests where one test signs in and then the following tests use the cookie set from the first sign in test.
From what I can see, this is done with ydescribe
Start describing a Tests suite keeping cookies and a reference to the tested Application and ConnectionPool
I attempted to use this in my app by looking at some examples from github repos but had no luck.
Here's my code:
module Handler.PostSpec ( spec ) where
import TestImport hiding (postBody)
import Data.Aeson
import Yesod.Test
spec :: Spec
spec =
ydescribe "Auth" $ do
yit "logs in to dummy auth" $ do
request $ do
addPostParam "ident" "0"
setMethod "POST"
setUrl ("http://localhost:3000/auth/page/dummy" :: Text)
statusIs 303
When compiled this gives the error:
test/Handler/PostSpec.hs:9:5: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘transformers-
[YesodSpecTree site0] Identity ()’
with ‘hspec-core-2.4.4:Test.Hspec.Core.Spec.Monad.SpecM () ()’
Expected type: Spec
Actual type: YesodSpec site0
• In the expression:
ydescribe "Auth"
$ do { yit "logs in to dummy auth"
$ do { request $ do { ... };
statusIs 303 } }
In an equation for ‘spec’:
= ydescribe "Auth"
$ do { yit "logs in to dummy auth"
$ do { request $ ...;
.... } }
What would be the correct way to use ydescribe?
Found out I have to use yesodSpec as well and pass ydescribe as the second parameter.
Here is a usage example.
spec :: Spec
spec = do
settings <-
runIO $ loadYamlSettings
["config/test-settings.yml", "config/settings.yml"]
foundation <- runIO $ makeFoundation settings
yesodSpec foundation $ do
ydescribe "Tests" $ do
yit "Test" $ do
-- Test something