I am looping over an image directory to list bunch of thumbnails. I want to show the original image on a click event. But for now, just a window.
<cfform name="myform" format="flash" skin="haloorange">
<cfinput type="image" src="../thumbs/#currentRow#" name="img#ListGetAt(qryImg.name,1,'.')#"<!--- onclick="javascript:ColdFusion.Window.show('mywindow4')">
My problem is the onclick event. If I remove that piece of code, the form loads. IF I keep it, the form does not load. Also, I tried getURL(javascript:ColdFusion.Window.show('mywindow4')) but go no luck.
i got rid of cfwindow and ColdFusion.Window.show()
onclick="getURL('javascript:show(5)')" >
function show(u) {
if(u != '') window.open('cfWinSource.cfm', 'sub', 'directories=no, location=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=no, status=no, titlebar=yes, toolbar=no, height=435, width=535')
seems to work for now.