
Hadoop : HortonWorks SandBox Installation : Not able to launch Dashboard(Ambari Interface) from Splash page due to Authorization failure

Referring to below link Installed Hortonworks Sandbox on Oracle VM Virtual box.

After starting the VM , Connected to host IP on port 2222 using Putty as user root. Changed Admin password successfully. Checked the status of Ambari Server and found in started state.

loaded the Splash page successfully on the URL

Now While loading Dashboard on URL , Authorization popup not accepting Any of the UserId/Password combinations provided on HortornWorks website(link provided earlier)

I tried with admin/"My Password" and maria_dev/maria_dev and raj_ops/raj_ops. Authorization getting failed for every set of userid/pwd.

I have checked the port forwarding is enabled for port 8080 on VM Machine. Any further pointers appreciated.


  • Installed on VMWare instead of VirtualBox and It worked. Was able to launch and login to Ambari.