Say I wrote a function foo and I would like to find out the time taken to execute foo(1000). Is there already a package available for doing this?
If seconds-resolution is OK, you can #include "libats/libc/DATS/time.dats"
and then use time()
and difftime()
implement main0() = {
val before = time()
val _ = foo(1000)
val () = println!(difftime(time(), before))
If you'd like finer resolution you can, under Linux, use libc's gettimeofday():
extern fun reset_timer(): void = "ext#reset_timer"
extern fun elapsed_time(): double = "ext#elapsed_time"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
struct timeval timer_timeval;
void reset_timer() { gettimeofday(&timer_timeval, NULL); }
double elapsed_time() {
struct timeval now;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
int secs = now.tv_sec - timer_timeval.tv_sec;
double ms = (now.tv_usec - timer_timeval.tv_usec) / ((double)1000000);
return(secs + ms);
/* OCaml-style helper to ignore the value of foo(1000) */
fn {a:t@ype} ignore(x: a): void = ()
implement main0() =
println!("foo(1000) took: ", elapsed_time(), "s");
Output (where foo(1000)
takes about 3000.3 milliseconds):
foo(1000) took: 3.000296s