
How to add syntax styling to Windows 10 Code Writer

I'm quite liking Window's new Code Writer for quickly editing the various files that go along with a Salesforce + Marketing Cloud project (usually, SQL, JS, HTML, and AmpScript).

I would like to add a syntax style for AmpScript. Is this possible with Window's Code Writer?

If not, are there other solutions similar to Code Writer that would allow a custom syntax to be added?



  • I don't believe so. Windows UWP applications have limitations on how they can be extended (a consequence of sandboxing).

    Since late 2016, UWP apps can have "App extensions" that work like plugins, but still need approval from the Microsoft App Store and the host application needs to permit it in the first place - and from what I can see in the Code Writer app this isn't possible.

    If you want a lightweight but powerful editor I think you're better-off using Notepad++ or a heavier editor like VS Code which has a considerably larger ecosystem of plugins, including one for AMPScript already.