
How do I create a "Users by time of day" heatmap in Google Data Studio?

I want to create a heatmap in Google Datastudio similar to the "Users by time of day" heatmap in Google Analytics.

This is how it looks in Google Analytics. enter image description here

THE FIRST PROBLEM is that when I have my columns as the days of the week, it sorts on ascending/descending value alphabetically, NOT Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.

THE SECOND PROBLEM is that I can't actually get the heatmap coloring.

THE THIRD (not a problem, but a preference) there a way to group every 2 hours like Google Analytics does?

I am creating this using the PIVOT TABLE chart. Should I be using a different chart? Any other ideas?


  • You can get something pretty close by doing this. Add a Pivot table, and modify the following settings.

    Row Dimension - Hour

    Column Dimension - Day of week

    Metric - Users

    Sort Row 1 - Hour - Ascending

    Sort Column 1 - Day of Week Ascending

    Then under the Style tab

    Metric - change from Number to Heatmap