
CRATE DB: WHERE IN on timestamp data results in NullPointerException

The following select doesn't work:

 SELECT * FROM "myschema"."timetable" WHERE "start_time" in (1519705800000, 1519710840000, 1519705800000, 1519718400000)

Start_time is a timestamp column. Crate responds with:


SQLActionException[UnhandledServerException: java.lang.NullPointerException]

Is WHERE IN not working on timestamps? Is there an alternative? The crate version is 2.1.6.


  • This bug has been fixed in CrateDB 2.1.9, see Please consider upgrading to 2.1.9, as it is only a patch version and shouldn't affect your development state.

    That said, there is a workaround. You have to cast the timestamp column to long and it will work fine:

    SELECT * FROM "myschema"."timetable" WHERE "start_time"::long in (1519705800000, 1519710840000, 1519705800000, 1519718400000);

    This works because timestamps are internally represented as longs, so you won't loose any precision.