The following select doesn't work:
SELECT * FROM "myschema"."timetable" WHERE "start_time" in (1519705800000, 1519710840000, 1519705800000, 1519718400000)
Start_time is a timestamp column. Crate responds with:
SQLActionException[UnhandledServerException: java.lang.NullPointerException]
Is WHERE IN not working on timestamps? Is there an alternative? The crate version is 2.1.6.
This bug has been fixed in CrateDB 2.1.9, see Please consider upgrading to 2.1.9, as it is only a patch version and shouldn't affect your development state.
That said, there is a workaround. You have to cast the timestamp column to long and it will work fine:
SELECT * FROM "myschema"."timetable" WHERE "start_time"::long in (1519705800000, 1519710840000, 1519705800000, 1519718400000);
This works because timestamps are internally represented as longs, so you won't loose any precision.