
Can the URI be displayed to the user using CEFSharp?

In my Windows form application (WinForms), I'm using CEFSharp to open a web page. I want to modify the right-click context to allow the user to display the URL that was opened. Currently, the context has "Back", "Forward", "Print...", and "View Source"


  • The comment from @amaitland got the ball rolling. Here is my implementation. I hope this helps someone else.

    When you initialize your instance of the WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser, you set it's property MenuHandler to your instance of a IContextMenuHandler.

        chromeBrowser = New WinForms.ChromiumWebBrowser(uri)
        chromeBrowser.MenuHandler = New Classes.CefBasicMenuHandler()

    Your implementation of an IContextMenuHandler is where you can control the context menu.

    Public Class CefBasicMenuHandler
    Implements IContextMenuHandler
    private const ShowDevTools as Integer = 26501
    private const CloseDevTools as Integer = 26502
    Private Const CopyUrlAddress as Integer = 26503
    Public Sub OnBeforeContextMenu(browserControl As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame, parameters As IContextMenuParams, model As IMenuModel) Implements IContextMenuHandler.OnBeforeContextMenu
        '//To disable the menu then call clear
        '//Add new custom menu items
        model.AddItem(CType(CopyUrlAddress, CefMenuCommand), "Copy URL address")
        model.AddItem(CType(ShowDevTools, CefMenuCommand), "Show DevTools")
        model.AddItem(CType(CloseDevTools, CefMenuCommand), "Close DevTools")
        model.AddItem(CefMenuCommand.Reload, "Reload")
        model.AddItem(CefMenuCommand.Copy, "Copy")
    End Sub
    Public Function OnContextMenuCommand(browserControl As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame, parameters As IContextMenuParams, commandId As CefMenuCommand, eventFlags As CefEventFlags) As Boolean Implements IContextMenuHandler.OnContextMenuCommand
        Dim commandId1 As Integer = CType(commandId, Integer)
        If commandId1 = ShowDevTools Then
        End If
        If commandId1 = CloseDevTools Then
        End If
        If commandId1 = CopyUrlAddress Then
        End If
        Return False
    End Function
    Public Sub OnContextMenuDismissed(browserControl As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame) Implements IContextMenuHandler.OnContextMenuDismissed
    End Sub
    Public Function RunContextMenu(browserControl As IWebBrowser, browser As IBrowser, frame As IFrame, parameters As IContextMenuParams, model As IMenuModel, callback As IRunContextMenuCallback) As Boolean Implements IContextMenuHandler.RunContextMenu
        Return False
    End Function
    End Class