In .NET I'm using the BoxApi.V2 to upload files to
Using BoxManager.CreateFile for big files (>90 mb) results in the following errors:
"The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation"
"The underlying connection has been closed"
Small files: no problem. I can't seem to configure timeout anywhere in this API....
The exception occurs in the following location: BoxApi.V2.BoxRestClientBase.Try(IRestRequest request, HttpStatusCode lastResponse) in BoxApi.V2.BoxManager.WriteFile(IRestRequest request)
Using the pingpath command I found out that my uploaded files took a major detour.
Sending them from our Paris office, they were forwarded to a server somewhere at the American west coast.
The target location being too remote is causing the time out, as was confirmed later by the BOX helpdesk.
The exact command is: