I am using http-proxy-middleware to proxy my API calls
How can I proxy multiple target hosts? I have searched through the issue and still could not understand.
https://github.com/chimurai/http-proxy-middleware/issues/12 - Allow me to use proxy table but what should link should I put for target
? Because I have multiple targets.
I am thinking of pattern matching to proxy multiple hosts but another problem would arise because I have a few hosts with almost the same URL link.
Tried some solutions below but dosen't work
Solution 1
const proxyOptions = proxy({
target: ["https://website1.com", "https://website2.com", "https://api.website3.com"],
changeOrigin: true,
loglevel: "debug"
Solutuon 2
const proxyTable = {
"/api": ["https://website1.com", "https://website2.com", "https://api.website3.com"]
const proxyOptions = proxy({
target: "http://localhost:3000",
router: proxyTable,
changeOrigin: true,
loglevel: "debug"
Solution 3
proxy("/api", { target: "https://website1.com", changeOrigin: true }),
proxy("/api", { target: "https://website2.com", changeOrigin: true }),
proxy("/api", { target: "https://api.website3.com", changeOrigin: true })
Mounting the proxy
server.use("/api", proxyOptions)
Thanks for looking into this question!
I managed to get the solution using pathRewrite
const website1 = proxy({
target: "https://website1.com",
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
"^/website1": "/api"
loglevel: "debug"
const website2 = proxy({
target: "https://website2.com",
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
"^/website2": "/api"
loglevel: "debug"
const website3 = proxy({
target: "https://api.website3.com",
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
"^/website3": "/api"
loglevel: "debug"
Mounting the server
const server = express();
server.use("/website1", website1);
server.use("/website2", website2);
server.use("/website3", website3);
However, this will give my website alot pages that I do not need like http://localhost:3000/website1
and etc.
Are there any ways to hide these pages or display something else instead of the homepages of websites that I am using.
Sorry, I am still learning node.js please be patience with me.