
XalanTransformer output to standard out?

Using Xalan I have an XalanTransformer that produces output to a file. How do I make it go to standard out instead?

#include <sstream>
#include <xalanc/Include/PlatformDefinitions.hpp>
#include <xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp>
#include <xalanc/XalanTransformer/XalanTransformer.hpp>
constexpr auto REPORT_FILE {"report.html"};
std::stringstream xml_doc; xml_doc << ....;
std::stringstream style_sheet; style_sheet << ....;
XalanTransformer transformer;
transformer.transform(xml_doc, style_sheet, REPORT_FILE);


  • #include <iostream>
    if (transformer.transform(xml_doc, style_sheet, std::cout) != 0)

    The input source and result target can be a file name, a stream or a root node.

    int xalanc::XalanTransformer::transform (
        const XSLTInputSource &theInputSource,
        const XalanCompiledStylesheet *heCompiledStylesheet,
        const XSLTResultTarget &theResultTarget)

    int xalanc::XalanTransformer::transform

    The question used a file name the result target. The answer uses a stream, std:cout.

    The global objects std::cout and std::wcout control output to a stream buffer of implementation-defined type (derived from std::streambuf), associated with the standard C output stream stdout.

    cppreference.com std::cout