
Multiple projects in CruiseControl.NET in the same queue running at the same time

I have multiple projects within CruiseControl.NET (version 1.4.4) that I have assigned to a single Queue...

   <project name="Build - A" queue="Q1">
   <project name="Build - B" queue="Q1">
   <project name="Build - C" queue="Q1">
   <project name="Build - D" queue="Q1">

All the projects are non-triggered projects - I (along with every other developer in the division) use CCTray to manually kick off each project. The problem is: If, while project A is running, another user uses Force Build to start another project, it runs concurrently with project A. Even though they are in the same queue. I would have thought that requests within the same queue would be... I don't know, queued and not executed at the same time. I am using the default queue implementation of "UseFirst".

Any idea how to make the projects within the queue behave a little more queue-like? I'd like to add the projects to a timed scheduler, but without any confidence that the projects will not all try to run concurrently and kill my woefully underpowered build machine, I dare not try it.


  • Odd. I'm using the same configuration you mentioned and its queuing the force build requests. Try updating ccnet version.

    Following is (some of) my ccnet config style (its using preprocessor):

        xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder" xmlns="http://thoughtworks.org/ccnet/1/5">
      <!-- Queue to make sure one build at a time - to avoid same folder SVN locking issues-->
      <queue name="Q_Synchronizer" duplicates="UseFirst" />
      <!-- ************ Common defs (CC.net pre-processor tags)*********-->
      <cb:define local_svn_root="C:\svn"/>
      <cb:define remote_svn_root="http://SVN_SERVER:8888/svn/"/>
      <cb:define svn_exe="C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svn.exe"/>
      <cb:define svn_user="SVNUSER" svn_pw="PPPPPWWWW"/>
      <cb:define server_url="http://CCNET_SERVER/ccnet"/>
      <cb:define build_timeout="900"/>
      <cb:define name="msbuild_task">
          <buildArgs>/p:Configuration=$(project_solution_configuration) /p:VCBuildAdditionalOptions="/useenv" /v:diag /t:rebuild</buildArgs>
      <cb:define name="svn_dependency">
          <timeout units="minutes">30</timeout>
       <cb:define name="project_template" >
        <project name="$(project_name)" queue="Q_Synchronizer" queuePriority="$(queuePriority)">
            <intervalTrigger seconds="30" name="continuous" buildCondition="IfModificationExists"/>
          <sourcecontrol type="multi">
              <cb:svn_dependency internal_svn_path="$(project_internal_svn_path)"/>
            <xmllogger logDir="$(local_svn_root)$(project_solution_path)\BuildLogs" />        
       <!-- ************* Projects definition ************-->
         project_name="Proj A"
         project_solution_path="/code/Proj A"
         project_solution_file="Proj A.sln"
        <cb:define name="msbuild_tasks">
          <cb:msbuild_task project_solution_configuration="Debug"/>
          <cb:msbuild_task project_solution_configuration="Release"/>
        <cb:define name="additional_svn_dependencies">
          <cb:svn_dependency internal_svn_path="/bin"/>
         project_name="Proj B"
         project_solution_path="/code/Proj B"
         project_solution_file="Proj B.sln"
        <cb:define name="msbuild_tasks">
          <cb:msbuild_task project_solution_configuration="Debug"/>
          <cb:msbuild_task project_solution_configuration="Release"/>
        <cb:define name="additional_svn_dependencies">
          <cb:svn_dependency internal_svn_path="/third-party"/>