I am trying to build a 5-day forecast using open weather API. The parameters I'm using based on the website are not working, it returns undefined. Also, is there a way I can get the main temp from day 1, 2 and etc. Please help
here's my code:
url: 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast', //API Call
dataType: 'json',
type: 'GET',
data: {
q: city,
appid: key,
units: 'metric',
cnt: '10'
success: function(data) {
var wf = '';
$.each(data, function(index, val) {
wf += '<p><b>' + data.city.name + '</b><img src=http://openweathermap.org/img/w/' + data.list[0].weather.icon + '.png></p>' + data.list[0].main.temp + '°C' + ' | ' + data.list[0].weather.main + ", " + data.list[0].weather.description
Your current code is not too far off. I suggest that you use console.log(data)
in your success
function to see what pops out while you are testing. It will help you understand the returned data structure.
If you take a look in your browser console now, you will likely see some warnings. I recommend you use https
instead of http
URLs for both your main API call and your image URLs to avoid some of them, including Mixed Content warnings.
The below code is adapted from yours and displays a temperature, a description, and an icon per each val
in data.list
in city
. Note that $.each
here loops through properties of each val
(0-9) in the array data.list
to access the data you need. Your current code tries to access a val
of data.list[0][some property]
each time, returning undefined
var key = "YOUR KEY";
var city = "YOUR CITY"; // My test case was "London"
var url = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast";
url: url, //API Call
dataType: "json",
type: "GET",
data: {
q: city,
appid: key,
units: "metric",
cnt: "10"
success: function(data) {
console.log('Received data:', data) // For testing
var wf = "";
wf += "<h2>" + data.city.name + "</h2>"; // City (displays once)
$.each(data.list, function(index, val) {
wf += "<p>" // Opening paragraph tag
wf += "<b>Day " + index + "</b>: " // Day
wf += val.main.temp + "°C" // Temperature
wf += "<span> | " + val.weather[0].description + "</span>"; // Description
wf += "<img src='https://openweathermap.org/img/w/" + val.weather[0].icon + ".png'>" // Icon
wf += "</p>" // Closing paragraph tag